Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Google's Search in the Mobile Space

Google, which started as an internet search engine, has over its dozen years of existence, steadily added more products and services not exactly related to search. Some of the better known products are Gmail, Google Earth, Chrome, Picassa, Orkut, Youtube and even the blogger tool used in this post, to name a few.

Now the big eye in the Internet space is training itself on the mobile space and is seriously looking at Mobile Marketing, more of Android and Mobile Commerce. What is the real strategy behind this move? Follow this link to get a perspective -->  Understanding Google’s mobile ambitions

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Combining Human Emotion with Technology

Lauren Johnson, an editorial assistant on Mobile Marketer follows an interesting and important aspect of doing business in the Mobile World. She picks up inspiration from William Isaacson’s new book which basically says that “To reinvent the school industry, we need to reinvent the textbook industry.”

Tap here for more.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

QR you?

QR codes are like the web page of information that we had back in the mid 90's. Everybody is talking about it yet nobody can call it a killer app. This is mainly because QR codes are perhaps used ineffectively in marketing campaigns.

Quite simply, if you expect people to run behind a bus or hold a magazine page straight to capture the QR code which then links to a marketing video, then the marketer has quite literally missed the bus. Instead, you might as well have a tiny URL for the mobile user to link to the video. There is nothing exciting to a user about scanning QR codes to see a video commercial.

What marketers should strive to do is to have a strategy to engage the mobile device user in ways that would make the QR code an effective marketing tool.

Tap here for an interesting article --> Are marketers killing consumer enthusiasm for QR codes?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Independent Obsession

When you ask a controversial question like "‘India attained Independence from British colonial rule on August 15, 1947’. True or false?" then you are setting yourself up for the long haul, with the kind of not-so collegial debate, irrespective of whether you answer "True" or "False".

However, Pankaj Phadnis, Group Vice-President of the Wadia Group of companies, seems to have this well and truly under control and has his own political, historical and technical reasoning to back the significance of this question.

If you are still wondering what the answer is, or should be, read what he has to say here http://www.thehindubusinessline.in/life/2007/12/28/stories/2007122850010100.htm

Steve Jobs, RIP

1955 - 2011

You haven't left us, nor have you gone anywhere. You will live on, in our minds, forever! May your journey to the unknown be peaceful. Rest In Peace!

ps: those who want to share your thoughts, memories, and condolences, please go to http://www.apple.com/stevejobs/ or directly email rememberingsteve@apple.com